Stop Loss Placement
Alternative Risk Solutions specializes in the placement and management of medical stop loss insurance.
Alternative Risk Solutions specializes in the placement and management of medical stop loss insurance.
Throughout the years, ARS has gained valuable insight into the marketplace.
All-in-one services
ARS provides Stop Loss to all sectors of business including Manufacturing, Public, Healthcare and Construction.
Get solutions from first class consultants
The experience gives ARS a clear advantage in understanding the needs of its clients and challenges that they face each day.
The bottom line is that ARS understands your business and we believe that delivering the highest level of service is paramount to yours and our long term success.

Alternative Risk Solutions
Wide variety of products and services
- Specific and Aggregate Insurance for Catastrophic Claims
- Firm rates available as early as 4 months before effective date
- Aggregate Insurance up to $2 Million
- Specific Advancement, Aggregate Accommodation and Terminal Liability Options
- Captive Services and Alternative Risk Programs
- Life Insurance Products
- Prison Reinsurance Programs
- Producer Bonus Programs
- Premium Accounting Services
- Expedited Proposal Turnaround and Policy Issuance
- Simplified and Electronic Claim Submission
- Claim Management Programs with Centers of Excellence and National PPO Networks