Our services

Experience, knowledge and innovative ideas

Alternative Risk Solutions, LLC (ARS) knows that selling and administering self-funded group health plans with a high degree of excellence is a difficult job. Therefore, it is ARS’s goal to partner with you to make that job easier.

Self-funding is one of the most effective ways for employers to control the rising costs of health care coverage. Self-funding, however, comes with its share of risk- Medical Stop Loss insurance protects employers from that risk.

With all the new faces entering and exiting the Medical Stop Loss marketplace, its important to work with a partner who has the knowledge and experience to stay ahead of the changes- a partner you can trust. That partner is ARS.

The ARS Medical Stop Loss team combines experience, knowledge and innovative ideas to provide employers with flexible, customized Medical Stop Loss solutions.

  • With over a dozen carrier relationships.

  • ARS provides you with the flexibility and reliability you need in today’s market.

To support each employers particular stop loss needs

ARS offers flexible policy terms that are designed to accommodate current and expected specific risk tolerance.

  • Run-In or Run-Out Contracts

  • Aggregating Specific Options

  • Tiered Pooling Options

  • Renewal Stabilization Option

  • Two-Three Year Rate Guarantees

Our services

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